Valere Baumann

Valere Baumann

Valere Baumann

Valere Baumann's videos on Universblack
Valere Baumann have played in 1 gay videos on

In FS5, incredible, Tao Reva had agreed to be fucked! A great first, an event in French porn. And since I too am a guy I had chosen a nag almost as bastard as Tao. Adrien had avenged all the poor previous victims of Tao with dignity (I think especially of Batiste in FS4, the poor man, you remember, Tao's dick didn't come in). Tao had finished his ass exploded, sticky, dripping with cum... poor macho... So, Tao asked me for the next scene an open bottom, to let off some steam. So I introduced him to Valere, but ... as I'm REALLY a bastard, and Valere hides his game well, barely in front of the camera this poor Tao got caught, turned over, buggered, screwed up the hole and spermed again. Hahahaha (french laugh), I love that... But his was immediate, Valere was also turned and smashed, then himself also stuffed with juice. Our two macho found themselves the hole dripping with cum. They even promised to continue off-camera rounds. We wonder what the future of TAO REVA will be like and we are looking forward to FS7! Meanwhile this scene is apocalyptic, as always with TAO REVA, which once again confirms to be really the top, the top, the absolute revelation of French gay porn. Without any possible comparison.