Mathieu de Lyon

Mathieu de Lyon

Mathieu de Lyon

Mathieu de Lyon's videos on Universblack
Mathieu de Lyon have played in 1 gay videos on and 38 videos on our other websites
You've got 20 minutes to get my cum
You've got 20 minutes to get my cum

Mathieu de Lyon is on an express visit to Paris. He meets Beloved in the basement to offer him his cock with a challenge: make him cum in 20 minutes. Mathieu's in a hurry, he's got a train to catch, so Beloved's going to have to make sure he's good at it. Beloved is confident: he knows how to worship cock and Mathieu is such a handsome bearded dude that he has no doubt he'll give him his all. No time to lose, the guy arrives quickly, gets down on his knees and sucks deep. Within seconds, Mathieu's hard-ons like crazy, and his balls are swelling with the desire to expel cum. He bends Beloved over and starts to fuck him, then takes him to a corner to file him hard. This is seriously good work and the cum is rising: Beloved pulls out, opens his mouth, Mathieu spits and now he can go home!

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