Coumba Sekou

Coumba Sekou

Coumba Sekou

Coumba Sekou's videos on Universblack
Coumba Sekou have played in 1 gay videos on
From Nantes, this young TTBM couple is available on dating apps.
From Nantes, this young TTBM couple is available on dating apps.

From La Rochelle, I jumped to Nantes... No I didn't jump to Nantes... well... anyway... I jumped in Nantes. There, I met a lovely couple, charming and who is REALLY envious. Frankly, the people from Nantes who have the chance to meet them (and to fuck them incidentally) are very lucky. These two are a hit on the apps. Coumba is an African student, a future engineer, and Corto works for a big Brazilian export company, which if I understood correctly, well I think, belongs more or less to his family. In short, a rich man's friend, magnificent, beautiful, charming, smiling, well brought up, simple and adorable... a treasure. These two are charming and adorable... They have a beautiful apartment in the pedestrian streets of downtown Nantes and are adorable, very much in love. Their life is beautiful. Let's say that it makes you envious. They also make you envious... The scene is magnificent, the two young wonders kiss each other, fuck each other, love each other visibly very hard, Coumba sperms the mouth of her guy, rolls him in the juice, fucks him thoroughly like a bitch, Corto squeals, Coumba rejects a second time on his hole and cups with two fingers the slimy juice well at the bottom. A scene full of tenderness, passion, sperm. Corto, too beautiful, treated like a bitch. And Coumba's black dick going in and out of the juice. Just impressive.